Chi siamo

Remuneration Committee


The Committee holds functions to advise and make recommendations to the Board of Directors in the matter of remuneration and incentives.

In particular, the Committee has the authority to advise and recommend in the matter of remuneration of personnel whose remuneration and incentive systems are determined by the Board of Directors, determining the criteria for the remuneration of all "key personnel" as identified in the Policy of Remuneration and Incentive in favor of members of the Strategic Supervision, Management and Control Bodies, and BFF Banking Group staff.

The Committee comprises 3 (three) non-executive members of the Board of Directors, at least 2 (two) of whom are independent.


Composition of the Remuneration Committee


  Title Office
Giovanna Villa Independent member Chairman of the Committee
Domenico Gammaldi Indipendent member Committee Member
Piotr Enryk Stepniak Non-executive member Committee Member